Each time you dry your laundry, lint is removed from the clothes and collected in your dryer’s lint trap. This deceptively simple device is one of your appliance’s most essential features. Without it, there comes a significant risk of fire. In fact, fire can also occur if you do not clean it regularly. Call now and set up your maintenance appointment (910) 409-8834!
Having your dryer fail on you can be a huge nuisance. You’ll either need to take your big bucket of dirty clothes to the nearest laundromat or hang all your clothes up somewhere to dry once they’ve gone through the washing machine. You probably wouldn’t find either of these options to be particularly appealing. That’s why it’s important to take good care of your dryer and make sure that it continues to serve you well for as long as it can.
- Check and Clean Heating Element Housing.
- Check and Clean the Blower Housing.
- Check Dryer Components Heating Element, Thermostats, Motor, and Timer.
- Checking to make sure there is proper air flow for the exhaust.
- Removing any lint buildup or foreign materials from the dryer.
- Wipe down your dryer’s interior.
- Vacuum behind and underneath the dryer.
- Inspect and clean the vent system.
- Your clothes dryer isn’t the only laundry room appliance that needs regular care
- Schedule now for Vent Cleaning!.